The workshops "We are all artists", are part of the program of the Region of Madrid "Convivir es vivir" and want to bring children and young people to articulate, through artistic creation, new models of coexistence.
"Mundo Árabe" (Arab World) is a programme that has been supported by the "Culture 2000" funds of the European Comission. It hosts a wide range of activities highlighting the cultural links uniting the Arab and the Western world.
"La Silla Amarilla" is a theatre group made up by eleven young actors and stage designers that are strongly related to hablarenarte:. The idea of the group is to open up its way to the Madrid theatre scene and to become a professional company.
During its first three editions, hablarenarte: organizes the Madrid World Music Day at the Circulo de Bellas Artes. The event is dedicated to all kinds of music and public, ensuring the diversity of musical expressions and tendencies.
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