CONJUNCIONES. First national congress of degrees of arts education & cultural mediation
Call for three research residences aimed at the production of situated knowledge in the field of mediation (cultural, artistic, community, etc.) and critical pedagogies.
Meeting/workshop with the artist Manuel Correa and representatives of the Memoria y Libertad collective on historical memory in our country and artistic practice as a repair tool in post-conflict situations.
4th edition of the Open call "Complemento directo", scholarship program accompanied to support training in cultural mediation. An initiative of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, in collaboration with hablarenarte.
Fourth installment of our newspaper Caravana (.4) in which we include everything that happens in Planta Alta through a key question. In this case we ask ourselves how to stop/have time in the midst of generalized acceleration.
Intensive research residency in Spain organized by the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation and coordinated by hablarenarte.
Irene Mahugo shares the progress of her curatorial research residency as a beneficiary of the Encura VI scholarship.
Made up of around thirty teachers, artists and cultural mediators, Palma meets biweekly to share ways of doing and develop other imaginaries at the crossroads between art and education. At MAPFRE Foundation's exhibition space.
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