Planta Baja is an independent space for creation at street level in which live arts and relationships are at the center
TRANSPIRE is conceived as a conference, as a reflection and as an action around the UN 2030 Agenda, its powers and its limits, from the perspective of youth and with the proactive force of culture.
Results of the NOTAR II call for research residencies in the context of the MAR platform.
We have started the fourth edition of Musicas memorables. In 2022-23, the project take place in four new cities: Lleida, Girona, Tarragona and Barcelona.
Third edition of this program that seeks to rethink the space of childhood in cultural institutions in general and in the Condeduque Cultural Center (Madrid) in particular.
Results of the open call for 2 emergency residencies in Madrid aimed at cultural workers from Ukraine.
COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO is a scholarship program, accompanied by individual and collective mentoring, to support training in cultural mediation. An initiative of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, in collaboration with hablarenarte.
Day of presentations, meetings and performative actions in which to reconnect and spread the knowledge and energies of a year since the beginning of MAR platform.
Call for four research residences aimed at the production of situated knowledge in the field of mediation (cultural, artistic, community, etc.) and critical pedagogies.
Residency program in cultural management between Planta Alta - hablarenarte and the Consortium of Museums of the Valencia Region.
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