TRANSPIRE is conceived as a conference, as a conversation, as a reflection and action around the 2030 Agenda, its powers and its limits, from the perspective of youth and with the proactive force of culture.
Concerts in Lleida, Barcelona, Girona and Tarragona, from April to June 2023.
TRANSPIRE is conceived as a conference, as a reflection and as an action around the UN 2030 Agenda, its powers and its limits, from the perspective of youth and with the proactive force of culture.
We have started the fourth edition of Musicas memorables. In 2022-23, the project take place in four new cities: Lleida, Girona, Tarragona and Barcelona.
The second edition of (re)vuelta al patio [(re)turn to the patio] comes to an end. This projects aims to reconsider the role of childhood within cultural institutions.
The second stage of Musicas memorables is on!
The artists Christian Fernández Mirón, Sole Parody and Julián Mayorga are articulating the materials collected during the three oral tradition laboratories in the cities of Seville, Zaragoza and Palma.
We have started the second edition of Musicas memorables. In 2020, the project take place in three new cities: Seville, Zaragoza and Palma.
Concerts and meetings at Centro del Carmen, Conde Duque and Centro Huarte.
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