First workshop of the project Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities (2018-2020).
Summer Workshop designed for teenagers (13 - 17 years old) during Summer Holidays at ICO Museum. Join us if you are interested to explore urban and cultural environments through photography.
Beginning of the art residencies programme that revolves around the idea of Central Europe, its political and geographical resignification throughout the centuries.
Publication that delves into the issues of mobility, reciprocity, academia and hospitality in the frame of artist residencies.
hablarenarte organizes the IV Curatorial Programme of Estampa Art Fair
Aimed at participants between the ages of 13 and 17 during the Christmas holidays, this workshop at the ICO Museum invites them to learn about the creative process of architecture.
Músicas memorables aims to collaborate with various groups of elders in different parts of Spain (Pamplona, Valencia and Madrid), turning them into active agents of a musical project that mixes the traditional with the contemporary.
Programme of artist residencies that works around the topic of Central Europe which has changed many times its geographic and political dimensions.
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