In the last CCSC meeting between partners, supposedly held in Kosice (Slovakia) and finally carried out digitally, we met to draw links of solidarity and support between cities, as well as to explore digital platforms to carry out cultural activities virt
As part of the program "Conecta Museo ICO" developed by the Museo ICO and hablarenarte:, we invite you to participate in this new initiative among the curators of the exhibition "Sáenz de Oíza. Arts and Crafts" and the interested public.
The first exhibition of the project The New Dictionary of Old Idea, in Prague.
Empower Parents: imagining common spaces, is a publishing project by the ICO Foundation and hablarenarte, linked to the Empower Parents programme, developed by both institutions from 2013 to 2019 at the ICO Museum in Madrid.
We have started the second edition of Musicas memorables. In 2020, the project take place in three new cities: Seville, Zaragoza and Palma.
The school as a citizen laboratory: "Experimenta en el Cole" launches its first open call to public primary schools of the district of Puente de Vallecas.
The last residency of the project The New Dictionary of Old Idea in Madrid.
During the 2019-20school year, Museo ICO and hablarenarte: are once again running a full program of educational activities for school children, families, young and adult people alongside the exhibitions taking place in the museum galleries.
Concerts and meetings at Centro del Carmen, Conde Duque and Centro Huarte.
Artistic and research residency space located in the city of Madrid.
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