mediation + education

NOTAR II: Resolución
Results of the NOTAR II call for research residencies in the context of the MAR platform.

RESOLUCIÓN COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO, II. Programa de apoyo a la formación en mediación cultural
COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO is a scholarship program, accompanied by individual and collective mentoring, to support training in cultural mediation. An initiative of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, in collaboration with hablarenarte.

REMEDIAR. Open day of the MAR platform on cultural mediation and alter-institutionality
Day of presentations, meetings and performative actions in which to reconnect and spread the knowledge and energies of a year since the beginning of MAR platform.

MUSEO ICO | Programa anual de actividades educativas para el curso 2022-2023
During the 2022-23 school year, Museo ICO and hablarenarte: are once again running a full program of educational activities for school children, families, young and adult people alongside the exhibitions taking place in the museum galleries

Call for four research residences aimed at the production of situated knowledge in the field of mediation (cultural, artistic, community, etc.) and critical pedagogies.

COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO 2022-23. Open call
2nd edition of the Open call "Complemento directo", scholarship program accompanied to support training in cultural mediation. An initiative of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, in collaboration with hablarenarte.

NOTAR Residencies | Results
Results of the NOTAR call for research residencies in the context of the MAR platform.

ALZAR. Cultural mediation network
Alzar is an informal network of all kinds of cultural agents working on the intersection of art + education and cultural mediation. It is part of the MAR platform.

Mediation of the temporary exhibition La Ribot. A escala humana.
In the framework of the exhibition La Ribot. A escala humana, organised at the Sala Alcalá 31 (Comunidad de Madrid), hablarenarte will be in charge of the mediation of this monographic exhibition dedicated to the career of the choreographer, dancer and ar

MAR is a platform that aims to promote relevant change actions in contemporary cultural institutions, understanding cultural mediation as the backbone of such transformations.
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