mediation + education

Marino Marini. Más allá de la escultura. Guided tours program
For the first time in Madrid, there is to be an anthological exhibition focusing on sculptor Marino Marini, one of the leading exponents of 20th century Italian art, and displaying nearly a hundred items that include drawings, paintings and sculptures.

Educational activities at Museo ICO. 2011-12 school year
The Museo ICO and hablarenarte: are consolidating their annual collaboration in order to maintain the program of educational activities for schools, families and young people alongside the temporary exhibitions scheduled for the 2011-12 academic ye

Architecture at Conde Duque. Guided tours program
After six years of overall refurbishment work, Conde Duque opens its doors once again for the partial opening of its new facilities and showing interested members of the public some of its most emblematic cultural resources.

Brisas de Oriente. El cartel comercial español. Guided tours program
Nearly one hundred commercial posters summarise a hundred years of Spanish graphic design (1870-1970) in this temporary exhibition focusing on the public’s attraction and fascination with the east as a publicity device.

México ilustrado. Libros revistas y carteles 1920-1950. Programa de actividades
To mark the bicentenary of Mexican Independence and Revolution centenary year, the “México ilustrado” exhibition presents drawings and prints published in books, posters and magazines between 1920 and 1950, looking back over the rich cultural imagination.

Educational activities at Museo ICO. 2010-11 school
The Museo ICO and hablarenarte: open their second program of educational activities for the 2010/11 academic year by including a workshop aimed at young people between 13 and 17 as part of their customary tour + workshop events.

REtRATO. Digital camera workshop
A workshop for teens aged from 14 to 18 who are interested in learning how to use a digital camera and basic editing programs. Delivered over four sessions, the workshop focuses mainly on the portrait genre.

736 ideas 4 a dream. Europa against social exclusion
All 736 members of the European Parliament are addressees of a small publication that seeks to raise MPs’ awareness of an equivalent number of problems relating to social exclusion plus ideas for resolving them.

Animales a escena. Ópera, teatro y ballet.Guided tour program
“Animales a escena. Ópera, teatro y ballet” is a beautiful exhibition that looks at the presence of animals in the performing arts of theatre, opera and dance, from their origins in Greek and Roman times through until today.

Educational activities at Museo ICO. 2009-10 School year
During the 2009/10 school year, Museo ICO and hablarenarte: are starting a new program of children's educational activities in the museum galleries for schools and families with children aged from 6 to 12 years.
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