“Animales a escena. Ópera, teatro y ballet” is a beautiful exhibition that looks at the presence of animals in the performing arts of theatre, opera and dance, from their origins in Greek and Roman times through until today.
During the 2009/10 school year, Museo ICO and hablarenarte: are starting a new program of children's educational activities in the museum galleries for schools and families with children aged from 6 to 12 years.
Pablo Llorens, the founder of the Potens Plastianimación studio, is leading a workshop on plasticine animation to introduce people to working with plasticine and the stop-motion method.
The Casa Museo Lope de Vega is hosting a cycle of workshops for families on memorabilia from the life of the brilliant playwright, Lope de Vega, as well as daily life in the Golden Age and the theatre as a process of collective participation.
The MNCARS displays a wide selection of works and interventions by artist Eulàlia Valldosera in its galleries. The aim is to undertake a pilot experience in cultural mediation to make the artist’s work better known by the visiting public.
The first edition of “Palabras Habladas” is being held in various places and spaces in the city of Madrid, where leading figures are meeting to take part up in the increasingly exciting scene of the Spoken Word, involving onstage performance of spoken wor
More than fourty artists of the collection of contemporary art of the Community of Madrid are featured in "Bajo techo. Four stages of intimacy”, an exhibition exploring modern graphic art around the theme of four moments of privacy.
For two consecutive years (2008-2009), Cuenca is hosting the Festival Internacional de Grabado Contemporáneo Ingráfica, an initiative providing space for professionals and enthusiasts to meet and address the subject of graphic, multiple and serial art.
“Ilustración y liberalismo” is about the changes occurring in Spain in the transition from the 18th to the 19th centuries, when enlightened political reforms gave way to liberal ideas tested during the War of Independence.
Coinciding with the two hundredth anniversary of the War of Independence, the exhibition "Vivencia y memoria de la Guerra de la Independencia" sets the eyewitness accounts of those who experienced the war against the stories told by the people who later s
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