Created to make readers and reading its main figures, Casa del Lector opens its doors with a complete program of educational activities for students and families designed and carried out by hablarenarte:
In its commitment to training and professionalization in the field of cultural management, in 2012, hablarenarte: is teaching two courses on cultural management and project financing with European grants in Camón Murcia.
During the 2012-13 school year, Museo ICO and hablarenarte: are once again running a full program of educational activities for schoolchildren, families and young people alongside the exhibitions taking place in the museum galleries.
“New Cultural Management” is a course that analyzes different manners of adapting to the context on the basis of experience with projects already carried out by hablarenarte:
Comprising six partner countries, “Password: Printmaking” is a project funded by the European Commission Culture Programme 2007-2013. Its purpose is to consolidate working networks in the field of printmaking.
Conceived as a practical and dynamic course about artistic associations, the “Taller de Agrupaciones Artísticas en Madrid” is an initiative for students of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
The show “A ciegas. sobre lo invisible”, is the outcome of a creative theatre workshop carried out with blind participants, actors, professional and amateur dancers at Matadero de Madrid between February and May 2012.
“A ciegas. Lectures in the Dark” is a performance in which blind and visually impaired people perform dramatized readings in darkness. The results are on show at the CaixaForums of Barcelona and Lleida.
To mark World Poetry Day on 21 March, the Casa Museo Lope de Vega is hosting a poetry recital using various rooms of the former house of the famous poet and featuring Olaia Pazos and Lukas Elkoalapuesto engaging with 17th century poetry and contemporary t
“Max. Panóptica 1973-2011” looks at the extensive career of one of the illustrators making the greatest contribution to modernise comic and comic strip language in Spain, plus it is a great opportunity for getting an in-depth view of today’s graphic novel
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