3rd editiion AGENDA2030. TRANSPIRE, on the future challenges of today's youth
Nicolás Salmerón Cultural Centre
Friday 17th + Saturday 18th, November 2023
TRANSPIRE is conceived as a conference, as a conversation, as a reflection and action around the 2030 Agenda, its powers and its limits, from the perspective of youth and with the proactive force of culture.
Through talks, workshops, actions and artistic pieces, various groups of young people will share their experiences and positions regarding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Culture, little taken into account in the Agenda, will function as the main vehicle to address issues ranging from peace to energy consumption, through inequalities, health, social welfare and, of course, sustainability.
Transpire is a space to “sweat” the Agenda, put it in motion, shake it up together and perceive contemporary challenges from artistic, activist, and poetic prisms, which allow us a greater agency over the world.
Transpire is a round table between young artists, cultural agents about emancipation at the age of 30,3 and other problematic that they go through. Transpire is a workshop of design and textile industry; it is a physical workshop to think ourselves on the internet and explore new technologies moving our bodies and it is a place to listen and imagine sounds that go through our identities. Transpire is also a day to celebrate ourselves in an intimate concert of raxet1, with cheerful and comfy sounds.
Nicolás Salmerón Cultural Centre once was a school. In its classrooms and halls there are still a lot of souvenirs of that past. In Transpire 2030 Agenda we want to talk and think about future challenges, but always starting from the present, from what today preoccupies young people. The past, past experiences, scholar or not, form the baggage with which we face what is yet to come.
This forum, designed in a participatory way, actively invites teenagers, young people and students to join the different activities. Also, we invite older cultural and social agents who are involved in processes of social transformation and who want to listen to other voices and contribute to these initiatives.
Free access until full capacity: round table and concert.
By registration: workshops.
Friday 17th, November – 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Crystal patio– Nicolás Salmerón Cultural Centre
30,3 is the average age of Spanish young people's emancipation. 30,3 will be age limit of participants in this round table, conformed by artists and cultural agents of different disciplines. We will talk about cultural, social and environmental challenges that young people from Madrid are facing.
Moderators: Carmen Huidobro and Belén Hinojar
Carmen and Belén, creatives, climate activists and founders of Climabar, platforms that seeks to communicate climate crisis like if we were talking of something important: having a vermú with friends. Climabar entertains and inform both in a fun way and for all publics. Carmen and Belén collaborates habitually in El Intermedio show, National Radio and many other podcast platforms.
Juanpe Sánchez López (Alicante, 1994) is a writer and university researcher. Graduate in Theory of Literature with a master’s degree in Theory and Cultural Critique. He has participated in the collective volumes (h)amor7 roto (2022, Continta Me Tienes) and De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de amor (2023, Editorial Cántico). He is the author of the book of poems Desde las gradas (Letraversal) and Superemocional. Una defensa del amor (Continta Me Tienes).
Esther Merinero (Madrid, 1994), graduated in Fine Arts at the Chelsea College of Arts. Her work has been included in international exhibitions and in several cultural centers in Spain. She is represented by the gallery Pradiauto (Madrid). Her practice pays attention to the notions of protection, growth, fragility and love that respond to the urgent and current social climate.
Sofía Perdomo Sanz (Venezuela, 1995). She was born in the city of Caracas and at the age of 7 moved with her parents to Madrid (Spain). This migration process becomes a fundamental theme in her artistic practice in which he addresses ancestral and family memory as a way of connecting and accessing her roots and identity through the performative and autoethnographic archives. Author of Todas vuelven.
Angie de la Lama (Seville, 1996) graduated in Philosophy at the UCM. Professional in graphic design and publishing. Artist, curator and cultural manager, in charge of programming the Cuttoo gallery. She has created several self-managed projects such as the skisomicfest fanzine festival in Seville and the Intima Fest, a fillm festival.
Saturday 18th, November – 5 to 7 pm
Crystal patio+ Gym + Art history classroom
We propose 3 simultaneous workshops in the different spaces of the Cultural Center. Each of the workshops addresses one or several points of the 2030 Agenda. They will be taught by young people and aimed primarily at young people. Registration via form.
I. Workshop on fashion, paper, recycling and self-publishing – Crustal patio
Can you wear paper? In this workshop of creating ephemeral costumes, we will work with sheets of crepe paper to produce impossible and ecosensitive outfits. With the artist Albert Riera Galceran.
Max number of participants: 10-12 people
Registration here
II. Workshop on movement and technologies - Gym
The company laSADCUM proposes a guided improvisation session, in which we will approach the effects of virtual consumption in the body from the physical, the individual imaginary and also the physical limitations. We will inhabit a zapping body, saturated and digital. With the artist Guillem Jiménez. It will be a physical activity workshop.
Max number of participants: 10-12 people
Registration here
III. Workshop on sound creation and gender – Art History Classroom
A workshop to explore, feel and reflect on issues that connect gender and sounds. A space of pause, to breath and to listen together. With the dj and creator Iren Márquez Dos Santos (@r4sputia).
Max number of participants: 10-12 people
Registration here
CONCERT by raxet1
As the closing of the event, we propose to get together, get closer and enjoy ourselves with a concert of raxet1 for which we invite young people to get on the stage of the auditorium, let’s close the curtain behind and forget for a while what’s left and stay in the present moment.
Raxet1 (Madrid, 1996), has presented in his prolific career the works Mixtape1 (2017), Princesa Tetrabrick (2018), and Corazón de Orca (2019). Her songs include themes such as romanticism, worldly craving (sic Ray Heredia), memory as an insistent poison and multiple references of poets who have marked their understanding of the lyric and content: Fernando Pessoa, Wislawa Szymborska, Alejandra Pizarnik, Reiner María Rilke. She has played in multiple spaces of the underground circuit, in the Wurlitzer room (2019), in the Vesta room (2020), in the Cultural Center of Spain in Mexico, in La Nau (Barcelona) among others. Her latest work is Tratado del Galope pt.1 (2023), which currently presents in its fresh and cheerful live, an authentic call to enjoyment.
Photography: Albert Riera Galceran
Organized by hablarenarte, within the 21distritos cultural programme from the Madrid City Hall.