Sweet Home 2017: research residencies in Madrid
Residencies in private homes
Sweet Home is a research residency programme in Madrid organized by hablarenarte: in the framework of Curators' Network. In 2017 Sweet Home starts a series of residencies for curators and other cultural agents from different European countries.
Sweet Home seeks to create a close dialogue between local and international cultural agents and wishes to diversify the views on the cultural panorama of Madrid. Therefore the residencies take place in the private homes of local cultural agents who live and work in Madrid. Each host provides accommodation for a guest, and will introduce the international cultural agent in his/her closest artistic context.
For the first edition of Sweet Home 2017 a female curator or cultural agent from Austria will be in Madrid from June 30 to July 14, 2017. In the first call Manuela Pedrón Nicolau and Jaime González Cela have been selected as the local hosts in Madrid. The resident selected also by open call is the vienna based curator and researcher Barbara Mahlknecht.
This edition of Sweet Home is supported by Foro Cultural de Austria in Madrid.