(re)Visión. Actividad de exploración en el MUSEO ICO | Exposición temporal PHE23
Museo ICO. Calle Zorrilla, 3. Madrid
Both sessions with the possibility of being carried out with a Spanish Sign Language Interpreter. If you need the service, add this specification in comments when registering.
The ICO Museum and hablarenarte invite you to participate in our next activity aimed at adults within the framework of the temporary exhibition Bleda y Rosa. During the tour of the museum rooms we will discover in a dynamic way the work of this couple of photographers whose focus of work is the relationship between landscape, history and memory. The exhibition is presented in a format of nine video projections that will allow us to investigate the memorialization processes of the past in order to generate our own discourse.
The activity is aimed both at a public specialized in the matter and at any interested person. In this way, each participant will be able to contribute their point of view and knowledge, generating a dialogue between the museum space, the exhibition and the participating public.
Useful information
- Place: ICO Museum. Zorrilla Street, 3 | www.fundacionico.es
- Date of activity: Saturday, 17th June 2023
- Sessions to choose from: Morning 11 to 13 h. | Afternoon 17 to 19 h.
- Ages: dynamic activity aimed at adult audiences
- Price: free activity upon registration
- The maximum number of participants is 15 people per session.
- Registration: from Wednesday May 31st at 10 h. through the online form that will be enabled on this page.
- +ino: didactica@hablarenarte.com | 695.789.176
#museosparatodos ICO Museum is an accessible, open and inclusive space for all people. Through innovation, our educational activities are adapted to the special needs of the public.