Programa de actividades educativas, Museo ICO. 2021/2022
Museo ICO. Calle Zorrilla, nº3. Madrid
The Museo ICO houses the contemporary art collections of the Instituto de Crédito Oficial. Located in the Paseo del Arte, it promotes an annual programme of temporary exhibitions accompanied by different educational activities aimed at schools, families, young people, adults and groups of people with cognitive functional diversity.
The Museo ICO line of argument focuses on architecture and urban planning around three thematic axes:
- The role of architecture in the face of major problems and challenges
- Architecture and urbanism from the point of view of photography
- The great figures, schools or currents of contemporary architecture.
The educational programme designed and developed by hablarenarte: aims to bring children, young people, families and adults closer to these aspects from an open, dynamic and participative dimension in order to learn more about the role played by architecture and urban planning in our daily lives.
At the same time, the Museo ICO and hablarenarte: want to contribute to making the museum, through the following programme of educational activities, a more open, accessible and inclusive space for everyone.
This year, following the progress made against the spread of COVID-19, we are resuming all educational activities, applying protocols and implementing all necessary measures to ensure the safety of participants.
Offer of activities for the academic year 2021/22:
PROGRAMA PARA ESCOLARES (RE)CREO LAB - Inscripciones abiertas todo el curso.
- (re)Creo Lab. Actividades para Educación Infantil (2º ciclo)
- (re)Creo Lab. Actividades para Educación Primaria
- (re)Creo Lab. Visitas dinámicas para Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato
PROGRAMA PARA FAMILIAS ESCALA 1:1 - Inscripciones abiertas por exposción.
- Lacaton & Vassal
- Escala 1:1. Talleres infantiles (4-6 años)
- Escala 1:1. Actividades en familia (7-12 años)
- Anna Heringuer
- Escala 1:1. Talleres infantiles (4-6 años)
- Escala 1:1. Actividades en familia (7-12 años)
- PHE2022
- Escala 1:1. Talleres infantiles (4-6 años)
- Escala 1:1. Actividades en familia (7-12 años)
PARA MAYORES DE 18 AÑOS - Inscripciones abiertas por exposción.
- Lacaton & Vassal | (re)Visión. Visita dinamizada para adultos. XVIII Semana de la Arquitectura.
- Anna Heringuer | (re)Visión. Acción colaborativa para adultos
- PHE2022 | (re)Visión. Propuesta para adultos, PhotoEspaña22
- Pasarela. Talleres para públicos con diversidad funcional cognitiva
PARA NIÑXS Y JÓVENES A PARTIR DE 12 AÑOS - Inscripciones abiertas por actividad.
- Lacaton & Vassal | Encuadre 13|17. Taller para jóvenes de Navidad (13-17 años)
- PHE2022 | Encuadre 13|17. Taller urbano para jóvenes, PhotoEspaña22 (13-17 años)
- Planta Libre. Escuela de verano (7-12 años)
As a result of COVID-19 and in support of teachers and students, last year we designed interactive materials under the name of ACTIVA ESPACIOS, conceived to be used in the classroom and at the teachers' own pace in accordance with the programming of each subject and educational stage: schoolchildren in Infant Education (2nd cycle), Primary Education, Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate. (+INFO).
Contact details:
- E-mail:
- Phone: 695.789.176 #museumsforall
#museosparatodos The Museo ICO is an accessible, open and inclusive space for all people. Through innovation, our educational activities are adapted to the special needs of the public.