Password: Printmaking. Residencies
Slovenia, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Estonia, Croatia
The European project Password: Printmaking calls various artist residencies through its six partners, and a professional exchange program. Password: Printmaking covers expenses related to travel, accommodation, subsistence and materials. From Spain, the residencies that are designed are:
Residencies for Spanish artists in Europe (three weeks each, between 2013 and 2014):
Three open calls are scheduled for working residencies for artists from Spain in Tallinn, Kasterlee and Ljubljana (not exclusive, one artist can stand for three calls):
1. Foundation Tallinn Print Triennial, Tallinn, Estonia: the call is closed. Javier Lozano Jaén, selected for the project "FOR ALL AND NONE". Residency in September 2013 at Grafodroom Printmaking Studio, Tallinn.
2. Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, Belgium: the call is closed. Ángel Masip, selected for the project "METEORISM". Residency in January 2014.
3. International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), Liubliana, Slovenia: the call is closed. Elia Torrecilla, selected for the project "I LIKE: The city after facebook". Residency in February 2014.
Residencies for European artists in Spain (three weeks each, in January 2014):
CIEC Foundation in Betanzos is the local partner of hablarenarte: in the project, where 3 artists selected by open call by Foundation Tallinn Print Triennial, Tallin, Estonia (download the application -English only-); Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, Belgium (download the application -English only-); and International Centre of Graphic Arts MGLC, Liubliana, Slovenia (download the application -English only-) will be in residence.
International artists selected are: Lilli-Krõõt Repnau (Estonia), Marie-Alice Boshoff (Belgium) and Maja Pučl (Slovenia).
Residencies for Spanish professionals in Europe (staff exchange):
The artist and editor Juan Lara, founder of Ogami Press, was selected for a residency at the International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, during the month of April 2014.
With support from: European Commission. EACEA