Password: Printmaking: a European project with Ingráfica
Slovenia, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Estonia, Croatia
Through Ingráfica. International platform for graphic art and other forms of multiple art, hablarenarte: is setting up the European project Password: Printmaking, funded by the European Commission Culture Programme 2007-2013.
The project aims to consolidate links between artists, theorists, institutions and art academies in Europe working in the field of printmaking and other reproducible media. To do this, a full two-year programme of residencies, workshops, lectures and professional exchanges has been drawn up. Besides, a collective travelling exhibition will visit all the countries involved.
Password: Printmaking is the second European project awarded a grant by the European Commission in which hablarenarte: is taking part after setting up the Curators’ Network of artists, curators and cultural managers in 2011.
European partners of Password Printmaking:
· International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), Liubliana, Slovenia.
· hablarenarte:, Madrid, Spain.
· Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, Belgium.
· International Print Triennial Society (SMTG), Cracovia, Poland.
· Foundation Tallinn Print Triennial, Tallin, Estonia.
· Muzej Moderne i Suvremene Umjetnosti, Rijeka, Croatia.
With support from: European Commission. EACEA