Planta Alta, Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid.
Open call
- This call is an exercise of situated knowledge production in the field of mediation (cultural, artistic, community-based, etc.) and critical pedagogies. Understanding that praxis is theory, it proposes that groups or people who work in contexts of knowledge considered subordinate, carry out a process of critical reflection on their own praxis, or that of others, transforming the knowledge acquired through practice in accessible and applicable ways by other agents.
- NOTAR is the residency program of the MAR platform, an initiative promoted by the Reina Sofía National Museum, hablarenarte and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation in 2020, which aims to promote the emergence of more democratic institutional forms that facilitate the involvement of citizens in the cultural field (new institutions).
- The ultimate objective of the residencies is to generate a compendium of knowledge with its own entity, accessible and applicable by other agents, as well as the articulation of a research community from which new knowledge and critical approaches can be produced, shared and made visible.
Short description
- Four face-to-face residencies are available in the city of Madrid, aimed at individual or collective researchers, for a three months period from September to November 2024.
- To qualify for these residences, the candidates must prove a professional profile as a researcher, artist, curator, cultural manager, formal education teacher (nursery, primary, secondary, high school and university) or non-formal, mediator+s, or interdisciplinary profiles, of any nationality and whatever their residence.
- Submit a research project (maximum 8 pages) that generates knowledge or new knowledge in the field of cultural mediation, art/education and/or new institutions to be developed during the residency, through the online form provided for this purpose, including a summary of the research project, a work plan and a proposal for socializing the project.
Form and deadline for submitting applications
- Applications will be completed entirely digitally and in Spanish, through the form on this website.
- The deadline for submitting applications is Tuesday 30th of January, 2024 until 11:59 p.m. (Spanish time - UTC/GMT + 1 hour).
- For the complete terms of the call, check here.
- If you have any questions, you can email to
MAR is a platform initiated by Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso and hablarenarte.