New cultural managment. Online course with Plataforma C
Plataforma C
How to write up a good project? How to obtain financing and collaborations? How to prepare a budget that covers all costs? What legal matters must be addressed? How to properly communicate the project? Using practical examples, the “New Cultural Management” course taught by Javier Martín-Jiménez answers these questions on the basis of experience with projects already carried out by hablarenarte:
Organized by Plataforma C in collaboration with hablarenarte:, the course is designed to allow participants to freely administer their time while simultaneously maintaining communication with their colleagues. It consists of theory classes recorded in an audiovisual format and reinforced with written documentation, directed tutoring, debates in a forum, and the construction of an individual project by each participant.
Useful information
- Program closed
- Days: 4 modules (one each week) + practical activity.
- Inscription: in