Músicas memorables III - #1 Oral tradition labs
Lleida, Girona, Tarragona and Barcelona
November 2022
The third edition of Músicas memorables happens this time in four new cities: Lleida, Girona, Tarragona and Barcelona.
As in previous edition, the artists and educator Christian Fernández, recovered collective narratives among the encounters with elderly people. Four oral tradition laboratories have been carried out in November 2022.
- Social organization: Sempre Acompanyants
- Date: 2nd, 3rd y 4th November
- Date: 14th, 15th and 16th November
- Date: 17th, 18th y 19th November
- Social organization: Centre Cívic Can Deu
- Date: 23rd, 24th y 25th of November
This material is afterwards transformed into a musical repertory in the second phase of the project that consist in a Musical Production Residence.
A tour of meetings and presentations will travel to the four mentioned cities during the months of JApril and May 2023, sharing the final materials with the participating comunities along with interested people. You can also follow the project process at the web Músicas memorables.
A project created by:
hablarenarte / Christian Fernández Mirón.
Adults over 65 years old.
With the collaboration of the artists:
Anna Ferrer y MANS O
With the support of:
Fundación La Caixa and cultural centers Caixa Forum from Lleida, Tarragona, Girona and Barcelona.