Informe sobre residencias artísticas en espacios escénicos públicos
Madrid, July 2022
In collaboration with the Red de Teatros, Auditorios, Circuitos y Festivales de titularidad pública, we presented a few weeks ago the Informe sobre residencias artísticas en espacios escénicos (2022) in the framework of the Red de Teatros Summer School in Almagro.
This commissioned research is the result of the network's desire to investigate and bring to light the situation of artistic residencies in publicly owned theaters. The Red understands that artistic residencies contribute to nurture scenic creation in a singular way, opening processes to the fabric, the environment and the audiences of the theaters.
For hablarenarte, this research extends our interests in the field of artistic residencies, consolidating a practice and a set of publications of more than a decade formalized in programs such as Curators’ Network, Sweet Home, Residencies Exchange and of course through our residency space Planta Alta.
The report, which gathers the voices of programmers and artists, crosses learnings from the visual and performing arts, as well as from the independent and the public, to propose ways to develop and improve artistic residencies.
It also involved the participation of 60 member spaces of the Red from all over the country through a questionnaire that provided insights regarding the formalization, budgets, human resources and methodologies of residencies, a format which has been booming for years.
The report is based on previous research, unfortunately focused on regional or municipal areas or on akin formats such as resident companies, providing for the first time an overall view.
You can consult and download the report here.
Photo credit: Voadora.