for, by, with: a video essay + diagram
What place does childhood occupy in the city of Madrid? What strategies should we promote to ensure their participation in cultural spaces? How to implement mechanisms for listening to their -diverse- voices?
In the city of Madrid, there are valuable examples of projects and initiatives working towards a transformation of the role of children in cultural and educational spaces. Departing from the consideration of political subjects with rights, those movements foster an active involvement of children both in participatory processes and decision-making.
for, for, with: cultural policies and childhood: a video-essay rescues, activates and puts value on those knowledge. Through an itinerary of interviews, we continue to defend the importance of building non-adult-centric mechanisms within the cultural spaces we inhabit, through the voice of a series of researchers, children, heads of institutions and people linked to local citizen initiatives.
From these testiomonies and together with a group of local and international agents, we have built a diagram of cultural policies that put childhood at its center, a trigger emerging from the collective imagination to promote these practices in the spaces we share.
In these interviews participate:
- Representatives of local institutions: Medialab Pardo and Intermediae MataderoIndependent agents: La Parcería, Empower Parents, Madrid Cría, VIC
- Professionals linked to childhood and mediation: Sofía de Juan, Marta Martínez Muñoz, Sara San Gregorio
- The children Daniela, Mira, Luca, Dario and Joel
You can take the itinerary and check the diagram at:
This tour culminates the research and activities of CCSC, a project in collaboration with which we have investigated, defended and promoted forms of active participation by the children's community in the cultural and educational spaces that we share. The conclusions we draw from this research and activities form part of a compendium of cultural policy recommendations that we presented in February 2021 to the European Commission.