Escala 1:1. Actividades en familia (7-12 años) | Exposición temporal PHE23
Museo ICO. Calle Zorrilla, 3. Madrid
Dates available with the possibility of taking place with a Spanish Sign Language Interpreter. If you need the service, add this specification in comments when registering.
On the occasion of the new temporary exhibition Bleda y Rosa, the ICO Museum and Hablarenarte: we invite you to participate in family activities with children from 7 to 12 years old. During the visit to the exhibition halls we will carry out different dynamics with which both adults and children will be able to get to know the exhibition in a fun and entertaining way.
We will get to know the work of this couple of photographers in which the landscape, history and memory are related in a single space represented in the image. What function do these spaces currently have?, what use did they have?, what does it evoke us? Following the style of a documentary practice, we will answer these questions in a playful way while we discover the nine series that the exhibition presents in video projection format.
We wait for you!
Useful information
- Place: Museo ICO. Calle Zorrilla, 3 |
- Days and times of the activity: Saturdays from 17:00 to 19:00h.
- Dates: June 2023 sessions.
- Ages: children from 7 to 12 years old accompanied by a maximum of 2 adults per family unit.
- Places: the maximum number of participants per session is 25 people.
- Price: free activity with prior registration
- Registration: from Wednesday, 24 May 2023, at 10:00h. through the online form that will be available on this page.
- +INFO: | Tel.: 695 789 176
#museosparatodos The ICO Museum is an accessible, open and inclusive space for everyone. Through innovation, our educational activities are adapted to the special needs of the public.