Encura VI. Curatorial research residency
Hangar, Casa de Velazquez and hablarenarte are launching a call for applications for a grant for Spanish or foreign curators and researchers based in Spain to carry out a three-month curatorial research residency between Barcelona and Madrid, from mid-November 2023 to mid-February 2024.
About Encura
Encura is a research residency programme that aims to promote, expand and complexify curatorial research processes by intertwining the artistic contexts of Barcelona and Madrid, encouraging and enabling curatorial research that does not result in conventional exhibition projects. In its first four editions, Encura was led by Hangar in collaboration with hablarenarte and Curators Network; in its fifth edition, La Casa Encendida co-led the project; and in its sixth edition, Casa de Velázquez co-leads the project with Hangar and hablarenarte.
Aims of Encura
Since its first edition, Encura has been conceived as a proposal that does not necessarily lead to a result, valuing research and exchange processes that do not exclusively focus on the exhibition format as a horizon for the materialisation of curatorial research. One of its objectives is to support curatorial research and promote territorial cooperation in the generation and transfer of knowledge and practices through art.
Encura understands curatorial research as a political-affective space that generates its own values, questions, languages and possibilities. Its porosity and capacity to intertwine with other agents and practices, to imagine polyphonic narratives and actions, from the theoretical to the sensitive, always in being and doing with others, also implies an ethical-political methodology in itself, which in turn enables the questioning of ways of making and producing. As a specific and situated curatorial research tool, Encura is based on the coexistence, collaboration, dialogue and interdependence between the contexts of Madrid and Barcelona, proposing to work with research methodologies that challenge the hierarchies and logics of the production of private and individualised knowledge. Encura promotes the overflow of disciplines, as well as decelerated and unproductive times of exchange and research, allowing the appropriate material conditions for a research process that has the necessary solidity and degree of experimentation to develop curatorial projects that are relevant to their contexts and respond to the questions and urgencies of the moment in which we live and work.
Encura VI Call for applications
Encura VI will provide an honorarium of €2500 and a living allowance of €1500 for the selected person.
Applicants’ research projects should be interested in artistic practices registered in each of the cities, and should involve collaboration and dialogue with artists or agents based at Hangar and Casa de Velázquez.
Encura VI will provide up to €2,800 to carry out a public activity in each city, with the participation of at least one resident of each centre. This grant does not include the possibility of an exhibition. It is an invitation to experiment with other types of activations, socialisations, openings and formats of the project, with a budget of up to €1,000 for research expenses.
What Encura VI offers
In Barcelona:
– Accommodation and workspace at Hangar for the first two months of the residency.
– Link and immersion in the local art scene with the accompaniment of Veronica Valentini, head of international networks and residencies at Hangar.
– Presentation space for the project in Hangar’s Sala Ricson.
In Madrid:
– Accommodation for the selected person, workspace, contact and visits with the resident artists, provided by Casa de Velázquez.
– Accompaniment, link and immersion in the local art scene, facilitated by the hablarenarte team as an intermediary between the candidate and the context of the city.
– Space for the presentation of the project, to be decided between the candidate and hablarenarte.
Applications deadline: Friday, 21 July 2023 at 13:00 (GMT+1)
Resolution: Friday, 28 July 2023
Beginning of the residency: from 14 November 2023
Selection process
The selection committee will be composed of:
– Anna Manubens, Director of Hangar and Veronica Valentini, Head of Networks and International Residencies at Hangar.
– Artistic Director of Casa de Velázquez.
– Flavia Introzzi and Emma Brasó, from the hablarenarte team.
For more information and go to apply, check HERE.