Discover the Círculo. Booklet of the Círculo de Bellas Artes
Círculo de Bellas Artes. Calle Alcalá, 42. Madrid
"Discover the Círculo" has been published on the occasion of the "Veo, Veo" projects at Círcúlo de Bellas Artes. This booklet wants its young readers to discover the artistic treasures of this building, constructed by Antonio Palacios, in order to commemorate its 125 birthday in 2005.
- Title: DDescubre el Círculo. Cuaderno didáctico del Círculo de Bellas Artes [printed matter]
- Authors: Álvaro Molina
- Publisher: Asociación Hablar en Arte
- Place: Madrid
- Year: 2003
- Legal Deposit: M-9.339-2005
- Description: 20 pp. illustrations in b&w and colour
- PVP: free
© of the edition: hablarenarte:
© of the images: their authors