Curators’ Network #0. Encounter among curators in Madrid
Matadero Madrid. Paseo de la Chopera, 14. Madrid
The Curators’ Network platform was formed as a response to the lack of opportunities for curators and artists to promote their work abroad, especially when they are attempting to find out about the emerging arts scene in other countries. For this reason, towards the end of 2010, hablarenarte: invited five curators from Austria, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Rumania to do the groundwork for setting up a network to facilitate the exchange of artistic and cultural experiences.
At the #0 meeting, the international curators had the chance to immerse themselves in the city’s cultural scene, as well as take part in a portfolio review with twenty Madrid-based artists included in the Matadero Madrid Creators’ Archive. The event also featured a series of talks and lectures for curators and local managers, providing further opportunities for the mutual exchange of knowledge and ideas.
Participating artists: Kristoffer Ardeña, Primoz Bizjak, Busto Bocanegra, Maite Camacho, Daños Colaterales, Miren Doiz, Barbará Fluxá, Julio Falagan, Ali Hanoon, Hisae Ikenaga, Los Husos, Esther Mañas & Arash Morí, Rosell Meseguer, Clara Montoya, NOPHOTO, Ivan Pérez, Enrique Radigales, Dani Silvo, Pablo Valbuena and Maya Wanatabe.
Invited curators: Aron Fenyvesi, Tomasz Gutkowski, Anca Mihulet, Mariana Serranova and Jürgen Tabor.