#Connect ICO Museum - Dialogues We Are Architecture
The Museo ICO and hablarenarte: you are invited to participate in a new initiative of the Fundación ICO within the program of virtual educational activities Conecta Museo ICO (#ConectaMuseoICO).
With the title Diálogos Somos Arquitectura (#DialogosSomosArquitectura) we want you to continue to learn about the life and work of Sáenz de Oíza during these moments of confinement, on the occasion of the exhibition "Sáenz de Oíza. Artes y oficios" in an active way.
To do so, we suggest that you send us a WhatsApp with a question or curiosity about the architect in text, audio or video. The curators of the exhibition and Sáenz de Oíza's children will answer you in person.
+INFO: www.fundacionico.es | www.hablarenarte.com
Contact: didactica@hablarenarte.com | Tel. - WhatsApp: 695.789.176