COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO. Support program for higher education in cultural mediation
COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO is a scholarship program, accompanied by individual and collective mentoring, to support training in cultural mediation.
This initiative seeks to promote and consolidate specific studies related to this area, facilitating access to them. It aims to support - economically, but also from a personal perspective - future professionals who decide to train in cultural mediation, thus favoring the professionalization and legitimation of this practice whose importance is more relevant than ever at this time of economic and social crisis.
To achieve these objectives, the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, in collaboration with hablarenarte, announce 14 scholarships, for an amount of € 2,500 each in order to provide financial aid to people interested in carrying out postgraduate studies (NOT PhD level) focusing on or linked to cultural mediation in universities or study centers in Spain, during the next academic year (2021-2022).
COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO tries to offer something on top of the financial support. In fact, the project favours the generation of a community that supports, builds and learns with the students. For this reason, each of these grants is complemented by a program of individual and collective mentoring by professionals in the sector, in order to enrich and add value to the training of each of the scholarship recipients, as well as to favor the creation of relevant networks for their professional development.
Applicants can be students of any nationality with an interest in developing their professional career in the cultural mediation sector, who are going to carry out their postgraduate studies in this field during the next academic year (2021-22) in universities or centers located in Spain and who will be residents in Spain during the study period.
Information about the application process:
- You can check the complete call here.
- It is necessary to fill in the application form and attach the relevant documentation through the following link.
- For any additional questions, you can contact us by email (, specifying in the subject line: «Complemento Directo Call»
COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO is a program initiatited by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, in collaboration with hablarenarte.