Claudia Faci – Templete de Música del Parque del Retiro
Templete de Música del Parque del Buen Retiro
Claudia Faci, leads a popular reconquest of the music bandstand at Retiro Park, with the help of an invisible orchestra playing the Pastorale of Ludwig van Beethoven, a leg of ham and several bottles of red wine.
Claudia Faci can be considered what we call nowadays a “maker”. Trained professionally as dancer and actress, she has participated in all kind of dance and theatre productions, TV shows and movies. She is also a teacher and an independent writer. In 2006 she premieres Nur für Dich , a work commissioned by the international festival Madrid en Danza. In that occasion she used the heteronym Klara v. Himmer. From that moment on, she has focused on her own work and productions. Some of her proposals are Agnés; L’espectre de la rose; A.n.a.; Qué sería de mi en una noche como esta si no fuera por ti; Cual. El guión, in colaboration with Chantal Maillard; PLOT; No se como se llama esto pero es robado; You name it.
The Templete de la Música del Parque del Buen Retiro is a music bandstand, located in the middle of Retiro, Madrids biggest central park, constructed by the municipal architect Luis Bellido in 1925.