CCSC: policy analysis and recomendations. Outputs.
CCSC: policy analysis and recomendations. Processes, methodologies and legacy of CCSC.
CCSC (Cultural Creative Spaces and Cities) is an experimental European project in which 7 cultural organizations have collaborated toghether with innovation entities and a committee of researchers defending the right to culture in our common spaces. We have been experimenting and searching mechanisms for the co-creation of cultural policies. Policies rooted in active participation of citizens, independent agents and public administration
In hablrenarte, we have focused on a sector of the population that is rarely given a voice, wich also suffers from a lack of rights: childhood. Cultural policies for/by/with children require the coordination of public powers and their institutions with civil society and independent agents. At hablarenarte we defend the importance of building non-adult-centric participation and decision mechanisms within the cultural spaces that we share. How can children be supported to be commisioners of policies and strategies?
In fact, what at the beginning of the projectwe considered a need, a gap, after the pandemic and its effects has become n an emergency. Around this challenge, we have been carrying out activities, workshops and meetings, with in-depth research, to find tools for putting these demands into practice. The conclusions, reflections and results are collected in this publication, coordinated by the European Cultural Foundation and the University of Antwerp.
We close this chapter grateful to have been able to be part of such a diverse and inspiring network. Also with the certainty that there is a long way to go and a lot to build. Is a common task to make our cultural spaces, cities and Europe a more equitable territory, where listening, solidarity and cooperation become fundamental pillars. We cwill continue to claim and work for a future coherent to these premises, in which the place that childhood occupies in society is recognized, cared for and valued.
Thanks to all the people, organizations, entities and institutions with whom we have had the pleasure of collaborating.