Comunidad Artística Autofinanciada (CAAF)
SFC (Self-Funded Communities) are small communities in which the members, normally around 10-30 people, contribute small sums of money that enable them to have ownership of the SFC. The fund set up is used to provide small loans to members for covering expenses such as repair work, children’s school books, medicines or medical treatment, etc. A self-funded community is made up of a group of friends or family who loan each other money.
The CAAF project promoted by hablarenarte: is a community of artists who are setting up a shared pot of money, with monthly or yearly payments, so they can loan each other various amounts in the event that someone needs to set up an art project, take on the expense of producing a work, buy a plane ticket and attend an art fair in another country, and so on. It is based on the idea of mutual financial assistance, by which every person contributes a certain sum of money and can ask for a loan of up four times the amount they have contributed, meaning that the more you put in, the greater the loan.