Blue Seven Phenomenon, seven artist publications
Barcelona, Madrid
Blue Seven Phenomenon is the result of the well-known commission that the management team at the Sant Andreu Contemporani entrusts to the jury members of the Concurs d’Arts Visuals Premi Miquel Casablancas. It consists of organizing a project from a selection of artists that submitted proposals to the award’s 2012 open call. Blue Sephen Phenomenon is the result of the collaboration between hablarenarte: and Sonia Fernández Pan and consists of publications by:
- Paco Chanivet, Mi reino no es de este mundo
- Raúl Díaz Reyes, Sasquatch
- Cristian Herrera Dalmau, Rescatar un elefante
- Marla Jacarilla, Sacchoaromyces Cerevisae
- Samuel Labadie, The flying skull fragment
- Martín Llavaneras, Esto no es alpinismo
- Pep Vidal, Movimiento 44
From the very beginning we understood that we were not searching for artists that had develop a practice directly related to this format, but, on the contrary, we searched for artists that worked in other directions. We were more inclined to highlight their capacity to generate stories—explicitly or by invocation, more than by a formal knowledge and use of the book as a means of artistic expression.
Blue Seven Phenomon will be distributed by Multiplos and can be purchased at a reasonable price in selected bookstores. The presentation of the compendium will take place on January 23 at San Andreu Contemporani at 19.30 h. (Carrer Gran de Sant Andreu, 111, 08030 Barcelona)