Articulaciones. El impacto de la cultura en la economía global
King Juan Carlos I Center, New York University. 53 Washington Square South. New York
Entitled “El impacto de la cultura en la economía global”, the Articulaciones Think Tank held a meeting and debate forum in 2010 to discuss the effects of the financial crisis and the new strategies emerging in the field of cultural industry. The activity is focused on two round tables.
Funding models in crisis and future strategies.
The current international financial crisis has had a devastating effect on the cultural scene, the same as on other economic and production sectors. At present, the cultural sector is being forced to adopt new funding and organisational models, in order to develop new ways of making projects both viable and sustainable over time and securing the necessary funds to keep them afloat. In the current financial climate, it has been proved that neither the American nor the European cultural funding models are infallible. However, the causes cannot be entirely attributed to a problem with funding, they are also the result of public interest and priorities being directed elsewhere. The solution to the financial problems affecting the cultural and creative industries entails coming up with new ways of addressing market fluctuations and changes in consumer behaviour.
Technology at the service of the cultural product.
New ways of doing business, Wiki-culture and social marketing driven by the development of new technology and the internet have produced major changes in the way cultural consumption, distribution channels, communication models and social marketing are organised. Both consumer habits and cultural products are in a constant state of flux and the internet provides a fast and direct way of grabbing consumers’ attention.
The discussion forum is rounded off by the “Tensiones” programme, which will be featuring a cycle every day, showing the latest work produced by Spanish and Latin American artists.
Directors: María Azcoitia, Javier Iturralde and Ana Morales
In partnership with: King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, New York University
With support from: Ministry of Culture and AECID