ANAS. Summer youth exchange program
Toulouse, France
hablarenarte co-organizes together with three other European organizations a Summer youth exchange program, ANAS, between teh 6th and 16th of July 2018.
ANAS youth exchange program involves four countries (France, Austria, Spain, Greece) to develop a temporary art zone exchange.By involving 20 people, we wish to express ourselves individually and collectively through activities (trans-disciplinarily of the artistic practices).
The program gives a space to encourage, develop and promote mutual understanding between the Europeans using art tools and the Do It Yourself culture.
It unfolds in two phases, four days in Toulouse (France), which will be used as a source of inspiration by participating at the festival “faîtes de l’image” and visiting various art and community projects around Toulouse and an isolated residency in the area of Galey, in the French Pyrenees, where we will experiment with different artistic practices and experience the communal life in the nature
Objectives of the program:
- Develop art activities to facilitate the intercultural meeting and exchange
- Promote active citizenship through an arts project
- Exchange between rural and urban areas through art,
- Develop skills and capacities through art,
- Promote the Erasmus program + in rural area
- Hablarenarte (Spain)