A la sombra del Vesubio: Pompeya y Herculano. Guided tour program
Centro Conde Duque. Calle Conde Duque, 9-11. Madrid
With almost a hundred works from the Archeological Museum in Naples, the exhibition "A la sombra del Vesubio: Pompeya y Herculano" moves the visitors to dayly life at Pompeii before the tragedy.
The exhibition A la sombra del Vesubio: Pompeya y Herculano is a complete vision of everyday´s Roman life and culture through the remains, traces and the pieces found in the excavations made in Pompeii and Hercolano since XVIII century, after the cities were totally buried with eruption of the vulcano in 79 of our era.
With 70 works from the Archeological Museum in Naples, that represent the objects that were used in dayly life at Pompeii:jewelry, sculptures, bronzes, marbles, furniture, etc.The show also has grafic material and audiovisuals.
Useful informaton
- Participants:general public
- Days: Friday and Saturday afternoon;Sunday morning
- Duration: 45/60 min. approx.
- Hours: Friday and Saturday at 19.00 h.; Sunday at 11.30 h.
- Number of participants per group: 25
- Without inscripction (admission free while places/seats are available).