Term: 04/11/2024 - 31/12/2024



TEJA / Red de espacios culturales en apoyo a situaciones de emergencia (Network of Cultural Spaces in Support of Emergency Situations) has the mission to promote transnational cooperation by offering temporary art residencies to artists and cultural practitioners who find themselves in complex socio-political situations in their countries of origin. Conflict zones not only disrupt essential services but also deeply impact the development of artistic practices and limit freedom of expression. With a strong and ongoing commitment, TEJA is dedicated to supporting these artists, understanding that art is a key way to preserve the culture of people whose autonomy is threatened.


TEJA offers a residency program in Spain for artists and visual arts practitioners from conflict areas. During their stay in Spain, residents will receive accommodation, legal and psychological counseling, and access to a network of organizations and professionals with whom they can share, develop and continue with their creative projects. Our goal is to provide a safe and stimulating environment where artists can continue their work despite adverse circumstances and generate dialogue spaces that ensure freedom of expression through joint activities both in Spain and with international collaborators.


The TEJA network consists of the following spaces:

Atelier Solar (Madrid), Casa Árabe (Madrid), Casa de Velázquez (Madrid), Espositivo (Madrid), hablarenarte / Planta Alta (Madrid), Institute for Postnatural Studies (Madrid), La Casa Encendida - Fundación Montemadrid (Madrid), La Escocesa (Barcelona), Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid), Moving Artists (Bilbao), Nave Oporto (Madrid), Paisanaje (Madrid), Proyecto Celesta (Madrid)




In response to the immense disruptions faced by the Palestinian artistic and cultural scene—now under siege in an unacceptable and inhuman assault on their identity and existence, marked by suspended activities, deteriorating security, and economic strain—TEJA will expand its residency program in 2025, building on the success of the Palestinian artist residencies in 2023 and 2024.


This year, TEJA will host six new residencies, each lasting three months, dedicated to supporting artists and cultural practitioners residing in the West Bank and Jerusalem. These residencies aim to provide a stable, creative environment and foster artistic exchange in the face of ongoing adversities. Through these new residencies, TEJA reaffirms its commitment to amplifying Palestinian voices and empowering artists as they navigate these turbulent times.







The selection will be carried out by the TEJA network in close collaboration with each hosting partner, prioritizing the artist’s personal and professional situation first, and then the alignment with the practices and themes of the hosting spaces.


  • Applicants must be artists or cultural practitioners residing in the West Bank or Jerusalem.
  • It is necessary to speak English, French or Spanish. (Communication skills will be evaluated in the interview and are essential for a rich experience during the residency.)
  • There is no age limit (from 18 years old).





TEJA commits to:

  • Covering visa and insurance expenses, as well as providing legal and financial assistance based in Spain as far as possible before the resident arrives in Spain.
  • Covering round-trip travel expenses from Palestine to Madrid, Bilbao or Barcelona. (Please clarify in your submission the airport you would fly from and if you have special needs in terms of transport)
  • Providing accommodation and workspace in the assigned city.
  • Offering creative and curatorial support during the residency.
  • Providing legal and psychological counseling.
  • Providing a financial stipend that includes:
    • Fee: €1,300 per month. (granted on a monthly basis)
    • Production expenses: up to €2,000 per residency.


Resident commits to:

  • Residents must ensure they are present in the chosen residency space at least 80% of the time.
  • It is not mandatory to produce new works or projects; the residency is designed to be a space for reflection, practice and connection with new audiences and local art scenes.
  • Residents will be encouraged to participate in the programming and activities proposed by the residency.
  • It is a requirement of the residency program that all participating residents return to their country of origin once their residency period has ended.




  • Proposal submission deadline: December 31st, 2024.
  • Pre-Selection resolution: January 15th, 2025. (candidates will be contacted via email)
  • Starting January 15th, 2025, interviews with pre-selected candidates will be conducted until January 31st, 2025.
  • February 3rd, 2025 the final selection will be announced and the visa process will begin. 
  • Residency period: 3 months between March and December 2025.


» OPEN CALL (pdf version)

Application form

1Personal information
2Contact information
3About your project:
4Additional files (Total Max 8Mb) Files size
0 Mb
5Conditions of the call


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